Procedure for District Office Review of OPWDD Eligible Individuals Associated with Pathway to Employment or the Employment Training Program - PRO-15-04


Individuals receiving Pathway to Employment, Prevocational Services, or Employment Training Program services through OPWDD need high levels of support to engage in work activity. Most of the individuals participating in Pathway to Employment and the Employment Training Program (ETP) are OPWDD eligible individuals who have limited employment and vocational experiences and need exposure to community volunteer or work experiences, extensive career planning services, and work readiness classes. In fact, traditionally these individuals have been enrolled in other OPWDD programs such as day habilitation which have precluded individuals from participating in employment services. In order to ensure individuals have opportunities to participate in a full range of employment services tailored to their individualized needs, OPWDD and ACCES-VR established the attached Agreement Letter (December 2014).

The intent is for these individuals to gain experiences through Pathway to Employment or Employment Training Program services that may result in the individual’s ability to benefit from ACCES-VR services in order to result in competitive integrated employment. At a certain point in the process, a request for an ACCES-VR review of the individual’s status will be requested.


  1. The community rehabilitation provider of OPWDD services makes the decision as to when an individual’s paperwork should be submitted to VR. The provider completes the Request for ACCES-VR Review Form and submits, along with all appropriate supporting documentation, to the local District Office.
  2. The package of information should go to the District Office designee.
  3. The District Office designee will review all material and complete the Request for ACCES-VR Review Form within 15 calendar days.
  4. Information will be logged on the Potential Applicant Tracking Log to document the process and allow for tracking.
  5. The completed Request for ACCES-VR Review Form should be returned to the OPWDD provider that submitted the request.
  6. The decision and date mailed to provider should be entered into the log.

Effective Date: Immediately

Date Issued: April 1, 2015