Council Structure

The SRC is comprised of five committees. The executive committee oversees the activities and work of the full council. All committees bring forth recommendations to full council, upon which full council votes.

Executive Committee

Key Functions

  • Provide leadership.
  • Facilitate the work of the Council by assigning issues to appropriate standing committees.
  • Develop strong linkages with the business community to enhance employment opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
  • Ensure that Council work is done in collaboration with other entities.
  • Develop and provide informational materials about the council.
  • Educate legislators, business community and other stakeholders regarding:
    • vocational rehabilitation funding;
    • vocational rehabilitation legislation; and
    • vocational rehabilitation integrated employment opportunities.

Membership Committee

Key Functions

  • Facilitate the recruitment and retention of SRC members
  • Manage orientation and mentoring of new SRC members
  • Prepare actual nominations of new SRC members to the Board of Regents

Quality Assurance and Improvement Committee

Key Functions

  • Review, analyze and advise ACCES-VR, regarding the extent, scope, and effectiveness of vocational rehabilitation services.
  • Every three years, conduct a statewide needs assessment of individuals with disabilities living in New York State.
  • Assess consumer satisfaction for eligible ACCES-VR consumers.

Transition Committee

Key Functions

  • Identify concerns related to youth with disabilities in the transition years of their life (age 14 to 24).
  • Share and recommend to ACCES-VR identified data driven successful practices that lead to the best possible outcomes for youth with disabilities and what services that would be relevant to ACCES-VR to use when working with Transition Age youth.
  • Review and support ACCES VR Transition and Youth Services statewide team (TAYS).
  • Review TAYS yearly Youth Action plans (YAP) as well as their analysis of data collected for YAPS.
  • Review any changes to goals, strategies and targeted outcomes and evaluation methods for Youth Acton Plans.
  • Provide committee recommendations to TAYS TEAM as well as ACCES-VR regarding Youth with Disabilities.

Workforce Development Committee

Key Functions

  • Working in collaboration with the State Workforce Investment Board, advise and provide recommendations to ACCES-VR regarding equal employment outcomes in New York State.
  • Review, analyze and advise ACCES-VR regarding the extent, scope and effectiveness of ACCES-VR's employment and marketing services.
  • Develop partnerships with employers, providing information and resources as needed.
  • Review, analyze and advise ACCES-VR regarding the extent, scope, and effectiveness of transition and school to work issues.
  • With ACCES-VR, jointly review and approve Impartial Hearing Officers.

Policy, Procedures and State Plan Committee

Key Functions

  • Assist in the preparation of the State Plan.
  • Review, analyze and advise ACCES-VR regarding, goals, policies, and priorities.
  • Review and provide advice regarding legislation.
  • Identify economic and other barriers that prevent ACCES-VR from serving larger numbers of people with disabilities.
  • Prepare for the next reauthorization of the Rehabilitation Act.
  • Advise and provide recommendations to ACCES-VR on postsecondary issues

State Rehabilitation Council

The Council provides advice and support to The State Education Department’s Office of Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR) on behalf of people with disabilities and their families regarding the delivery of effective rehabilitation services that leads to employment for New Yorker's with disabilities.

State Council

Next Meeting Date

September 11-12, 2024
Hilton Garden Inn, Albany Medical Center
62 New Scotland Avenue
Albany, NY 12208

For confirmation of meeting dates or any additional information, please contact (518) 402-3955.

Please note: Interpreters are provided upon request. To request an interpreter or other accommodations, please contact ACCES-VR as soon as possible at, no later than 10 days prior to the meeting you plan to attend.

Agenda for upcoming meeting

State Rehabilitation Council Quarterly Agenda for September 11-12, 2024