Core Rehabilitation Services

Core Rehabilitation Services (CRS) are a combination of Unified Services (formerly Unified Services Contract) and Supported Employment services, which includes: orientation, assessment, work readiness, job placement, services to youth, supported employment intensive and extended, assistive technology/rehabilitation technology, driver rehabilitation and adjunct services.

CRS (Contract Period: January, 2024 - December, 2028)

2024 Core Rehabilitation Services Guide (3/25/2024 Version, Update Summary.  We strongly recommend that you do not download or print a copy, and instead always access the CRS Program Guide from this link. This guide may need to be updated and we want to make sure you are always accessing the most up-to-date version.)

Request for Proposal

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Draft Authorization Process

Video Tutorial

Written Instructions


Vendor Training

Questions and Answers

Word | PDF pending



Deliverable Forms

Pre-Employment Transition Services

VR - 121X Post-Secondary Options Counseling and 1008x Post-Secondary Options Counseling for Potentially Eligible 

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VR - 122X Job Exploration Counseling and 1005X Job Exploration Counseling for Potentially Eligible 

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VR - 124X Instruction in Self-Advocacy and 1006X Instruction in Self-Advocacy for Potentially Eligible 

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VR - 127X Workplace Readiness Training to Develop Social Skills and Independent Living and 1007X Workplace Readiness Training to Develop Social Skills and Independent Living for Potentially Eligible 

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VR - 557X Work-Based Learning Experience and 1009X Work-Based Learning Experience Development

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VR - 963X Work-Based Learning Experience Wage Reimbursement and 1001X Work-Based Learning Experience Wage Reimbursement for Potentially Eligible

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VR - 964X Work-Based Learning Experience Mentor 1002X Work-Based Learning Experience Mentor for Potentially Eligible

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Entry Services

VR - 1000X Entry Services I Services to Groups 

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VR - 118X Entry Services II Services to Individuals 

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Assessment Services

VR - 052X Functional Capabilities Evaluations

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VR - 100X Standardized Testing/Specialized Evaluations

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VR - 110X Diagnostic Vocational Evaluation/Community Based Situational Assessment 

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VR - 112X Community Based Workplace Assessment (CBWA)

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VR - 120X Career Exploration Assessment 

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Employment Preparation Services

VR - 123X Self-Advocacy for Employment 

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VR - 175X Benefits Advisement 

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VR - 125X Work Readiness 1 – Soft Skills Training  

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VR - 625X Work Readiness 2 – Skill Development 

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VR - 630X Work Readiness 3 – Skill Development and Work Experience 

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Job Placement Services

VR - 510X Employment Customization 

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VR - 559X Work Experience Development 

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VR - 921X Direct Placement Intake 

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VR - 929X Job Seeking and Development Services 935X Job Seeking and Job Development Deaf and Blind Services 

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VR - 931X Job Placement and 936X Job Placement Deaf and Blind Services 

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VR - 932X Job Retention Services 937X Job Retention Deaf and Blind Services 

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VR - 933X Quality Wage Incentive for Vendor 

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VR - 958X Community Work Experience Wage Reimbursement 

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VR - 959X Coaching Supports for Employment and 563X Deaf and Blind Coaching Supports for Employment 

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VR Job Placement Monthly Placement Activity Report 

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VR Work Based Learning Monthly Placement Activity Report

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Supported Employment Services

VR - 571X Supported Employment Intake 

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VR - 572X Supported Employment Pre-Employment Assessment/Job Development Services

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VR - 573X Supported Employment Intensive Services Job Placement for Adults and 1573X Supported Employment Intensive Services Job Placement for Youth under age 25

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VR - 574X Supported Employment Stabilization for Adults

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VR - 1574X Supported Employment Stabilization for Youth Under Age 25 

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VR - 575X Supported Employment Job Retention for Adults and 1575X Supported Employment Job Retention for Youth under age 25 

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VR - 576X Supported Employment Job Retention Hours Per Week

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VR - 577X Supported Employment Quality Wage Incentive for Vendor 

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VR - 578X Supported Employment Extended Services for Adults- Open VR Case

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VR - 578X Supported Employment Extended Services for Adults ASE Case

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VR - 582X Supported Employment Extended Services for Youth under age 25

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VR - Supported Employment Monthly Progress

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Assistive Technology/Rehabilitation Technology Services

VR - 165X Assistive Technology/Rehabilitation Technology Evaluation 

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VR - 167X Assistive Technology/Rehabilitation Technology Training 

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Driver Rehabilitation Services

VR - 133X Adaptive Driver Evaluation – Low Tech for Car or Van and 134X Adaptive Driver Evaluation – High Tech for Car or Van 

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VR - 880X Adaptive Driver Training – Low Tech for Car or Van and 881X Adaptive Driver Training – High Tech for Car or Van 

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Adjunct Services

VR - 142X Vendor Travel for Provision of CRS services 

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VR - 790X Coaching Supports for Post-Secondary Education, Internship or Other Activities in Pursuit of Employment Goals

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VR - 792X Coaching and Communication Supports for Post-Secondary Education and Employment 

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VR - M Mobility Services

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VR - V Transportation 1

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VR - T Transportation 2

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