HSE Test Center Coordinators and Examiners
Test center staff must be approved by NYSED High School Equivalency (HSE) Office and comply with both GED Testing Service (GEDTS) and Pearson VUE training and implementation requirements. GEDTS is the vendor providing the HSE exam in NYS and Pearson VUE is the computer-based testing (CBT) partner of GEDTS.
Each test center is required to identify a Test Center Coordinator, who will serve as the primary test center contact. Test Center Examiner(s) assist the Coordinator with testing administration. A minimum of a four-year degree is required for both staff positions. Test Center Coordinators or Examiners, who were previously approved by the HSE Office with an associate degree and experience administering standardized exams, will be grandfathered and continue to be approved.
It is important to note that GEDTS uses different position titles - than the NYSED HSE Office - for test center staff positions. A Coordinator equating with a GED Administrator, and an Examiner equating with a GED Proctor. The HSE Office has historically used the title of proctor to delineate a test center clerk or assistant - who does not need to be approved - but who cannot solely administer exams and cannot be left alone with examinees during testing.
There is a 15:1 examinee to staff ratio, as delineated by NYSED HSE Office and GEDTS. However, as feasible, it is advisable to have more than one approved staff administering an exam to address whatever circumstances may rise during testing. There must always be an approved coordinator or examiner present during testing.
It is a conflict of interest for staff who are preparing examinees to pass the GED® Test to also administer the exam. Therefore, adult education preparation program staff cannot be approved to serve as a coordinator or examiner.
Requirements for Test Center Staff Approval:
- The NYSED HSE Office must approve all new Test Center Coordinators and Examiners. Please submit the required appointment form and resume: Test Center Staff Appointment Form
- Upon notification of approval, Test Center Coordinators and Examiners will be required to complete all online NYSED HSE test center staff training, as instructed.
- The NYSED HSE Office will subsequently provide the new Coordinator and/or Examiner contact name and email address to GEDTS. These individuals must then participate in the required GEDTS and Pearson VUE training and will be provided with access to GED Manager, which is the online system for scheduling and managing testing.
- Please contact hsetc@nysed.gov with any questions.