BPSS accepts curriculum applications for schools seeking programmatic approval to offer instruction using distance education modalities. The department will now sunset all temporary approvals (TDE) of distance education that were issued in response to COVID-19, on February 28, 2023. This is a change from the originally issued date of December 31, 2022.
Online Curriculum
A curriculum that delivers all (100%) of its instructional units synchronously (in real-time) through digital or Internet-connected technologies. Asynchronous online learning activities can be supplemental in nature, but do not in themselves count toward or constitute instructional hours required for program completion.
Hybrid Curriculum
A curriculum that delivers a defined percentage of its instructional units in-person (face to face) and a defined percentage of its units or sub-units synchronously (in real-time) through digital or Internet-connected technologies. Asynchronous online activities can be supplemental in nature, but do not in themselves count toward or constitute instructional hours required for program completion.
Traditional (Face to Face) Curriculum
A curriculum that delivers all (100%) of its instructional units/instructional hours in-person (face to face). Asynchronous online activities may be a planned part of a traditional curriculum in a supplemental nature, but do not count toward or constitute instructional hours required for program completion.
Program Specific Information
The following Allied Health curricula are not eligible for distance education approval, because the department has determined the content, duration and occupational purposes to which this content leads does not lend itself to distance education:
- Certified Nurse Assistant/Nurse Aide
- Home Health Aide
- Personal Care Aide
- Transition curricula between the above-mentioned programs
- Phlebotomy
- EKG Technician
- Combination programs of Phlebotomy and EKG Technician
- Dialysis Technician
- Electrology or Electrologist
The following Health curricula will only be considered in a hybrid format, because a large part of the skills portion of the curriculum must be delivered in a skills lab under the direct supervision of the instructor:
- Medical Assistant
- Pharmacy Technician
- Physical Therapy Aide
The following Appearance Enhancement curricula are not eligible for distance education approval, because the department has determined the content, duration and occupational purposes to which this content leads does not lend itself to distance education:
- Waxing
- Microblading
- Permanent Make-Up
The following Appearance Enhancement curricula will only be considered in a hybrid format because a large part of the skills portion of the curriculum must be delivered in a clinic setting under the direct supervision of the instructor. Approval of the following programs will be considered for coursework units designated primarily for theory and of no more than 50% of the total program hours:
- Cosmetology
- Esthetics
- Barbering
- Nail Specialty
- Natural Hair Styling
- Nail Specialist Trainee
- Eyelashes
- Make-Up (beginner)
The following Appearance Enhancement curricula will be considered in a fully online format, as all of the content has been determined to be suitable for distance education:
- Makeup advanced training
- Nail Technician Trainee
Application Instructions
Applicants should note that submission of an application for distance education does not in itself guarantee that approval will be granted, nor does the school’s use of prior TDE approval constitute evidence the school will be approved for distance education.
Schools seeking programmatic approval for distance education must file a new curriculum application using the BPSS system and pay the required application fee. Amendments to existing curricula are not permitted.
Applications will be required to state the precise hours, units, and subject matter that will be taught using digital or internet-connected modalities.
Schools using Learning Management System (LMS) platforms must provide BPSS with instructor-level access to perform inspections.
Application Review Process and Reapproval
The BPSS curriculum unit will provide some schools with supplemental applications, if it is determined the application requires greater specificity of the content to be taught online. Supplemental applications will be emailed to individual schools after the application is received on the BPSS system.
Schools will be provided an initial review and notified of any application deficiencies via email. After a single 30-day extension, applications will be denied if not approvable.
No curriculum approval is permanent. Education Law section 5002(4)a states that curriculum approvals shall be valid for a period of not more than four years. Therefore, schools must apply to renew curriculums at least 120-days prior to expiration, at which time the department will determine if the school’s implementation of the curriculum meets the standards for renewal.
The standard student-to-teacher ratio for distance education will be 20:1.
Recording Student Attendance
Commissioner’s regulation 126.4(e) requires schools to establish and maintain attendance policies and regulations that are acceptable to and approved by the Commissioner. BPSS has determined that the use of internet technology tracking tools, intended to supplant the instructor’s required entries of a daily record of attendance, are unacceptable and prohibited. BPSS will not permit any school to offer instruction whereby the student earns instructional hours through use of a tracking tool. BPSS only considers entries made by the instructor, on approved forms, to meet the regulatory standard for attendance, program completion, and academic progress.
Questions will be directed by email only to: BPSScurriculum@nysed.gov
Education Law Section 5002(4); 5002(5)
Commissioner’s Regulations set forth at 8 NYCRR Part 126.4