Enrollment Agreement and Catalog Expedited Review and Approval of Changes
Effective November 2013; Revised June 2016
Instructions for Expediting the Approval of Enrollment Agreements where the Only Change is a Change in Cost of Tuition or Materials:
School director uploads the following into the Curriculum queue in the BPSS web-based system and notifies Field Associate by email when uploaded. Be sure to identify the EA by the curriculum name and number of hours that it represents.
- Currently approved enrollment agreement
- Cover letter indicating price change only (tuition, materials, etc.) and including the following statement, “I attest that the only change in this enrollment agreement from the most recently approved enrollment agreement is the change in one or more costs and the total cost. I understand that any other change made is not authorized and will subject the school to potential disciplinary action.”
- New enrollment agreement (for which director is seeking approval)
For tuition increases or increases in other costs, which must be noted in the catalog, a catalog addendum may be created and listed in the Table of Contents. Changes in tuition, faculty, and the Occupational Education Data Survey (OEDS) are permitted to be appended to an approved catalog. Please note: Education Law Section 5002.3(h), adopted in December 2012, which requires that a Weekly Tuition Liability Chart also be included in the catalog. This chart conveys the amount of tuition in dollars that will be refunded to a student if s/he withdraws within a pre-specified period of time. Field associates cannot approve a revised enrollment agreement with a tuition increase without also reviewing the commensurate changes made to the Weekly Tuition Liability Chart in the catalog. Additional information may be found in the Education Law.
Instructions for Expediting the Approval of Catalog Changes:
School director uploads the following into the Administrative Forms queue, selecting “Catalog” from the drop down options, and notifies Field Associate by email when uploaded:
- Currently approved catalog
- A separate document listing all proposed changes to the current catalog
- New catalog which highlights all proposed changes from the prior approved catalog
Any changes that are not highlighted in the proposed new catalog will not be reviewed, or approved. If a change is made without being specifically identified, such action may subsequently warrant disciplinary action.