From: October 1, 2018 to: September 30, 2023
- All ILCs must achieve three results of systems change goals each contract year. One goal from three of six systems change categories must be achieved. For information on the development and reporting of systems change goals, see the NYS CIL Standards, Performance Report and Data Collection Guide, Part 1: Instructions for Program Performance Report, section I. Community and Systems Change Activities and Outcomes.
If systems change is not achieved in three required systems advocacy categories each contract year, a Program Improvement Plan (PIP) must be submitted within 30 days following the unacceptable performance finding to improve system change advocacy strategies. For information on submitting a PIP, see Appendix D item #16. - Independent Living Centers must serve a population based on the prior three-year average and within ten percent of the total number of people projected to be served in the contract each year. Beginning in year one of this five-year contract, all centers must serve a minimum of 900 persons with and without disabilities per year. The 900 people served minimum requirement represents approximately 40 percent below the statewide median for the five contract periods from 2006-2007 to 2010-2011, which was calculated for the 2012- 2015 contract period. The baseline amount of 900 for the minimum number of people to be served may be adjusted during the course of the 2018–2023 contract period based on further analysis of more current service data.
The calculation of a statewide baseline for the people served minimum requirement has been a standard part of the ILC contract since 2007, and it was developed to increase the number of people served. Since the service data analysis for the past two contract periods indicated most of the ILCs were approximately 40 percent below the statewide median (middle), this point continues to be the baseline.
If the projection is not met within ten percent, a Program Improvement Plan (PIP) must be submitted within 30 days of the inadequate performance finding to increase the number of people served. For information on submitting a PIP, see Appendix D item #16. - All ILCs must provide independent living services to people with and without disabilities using the 22 defined individual service categories in the ACCES-VR approved CIL Standards, Performance Measures and Data Collection Guide regardless of funding source. Any service supported with funds other than those provided by State Aid to Localities must be assigned by the ILC to one of the approved service categories that most closely and consistently represents the service. ACCES-VR will edit the services list to bring it into compliance with this requirement. A service not on the approved list will be assigned by the IL Unit to an appropriate service category. If the service is not applicable to any of the approved service categories, the IL Unit will delete it. For information on the ACCES-VR approved list of services, see NYS CIL Standards Performance Report and Data Collection Guide, Part 2. Instructions for Direct Services and Statistical Report, IV. Individual Services.
- All ILCs are required to report results of assistance provided to consumers to prevent institutional placements or to transition from institutional settings to integrated community settings using the ACCES-VR approved statewide cost benefit reporting model. The CIL Deinstitutionalization Cost Savings guidelines and forms are available online.
All ILCs assisting consumers to obtain competitive employment are required to submit cost benefit impact data in the area of earned wages of consumers benefiting from ILC employment assistance. The ILC Wage Reporting guidelines and forms are available online. The deinstitutionalization cost savings and consumer wage data reports must be attached to the ACCES-VR end of year report. - All ILCs will implement and participate in the NYSILC/ACCESS-VR ILC Universal Database, currently under development, at the time it is activated within the three-year term of this contract. All centers will use the interface application developed by NYSILC/ACCES-VR that has been developed to be compatible with and to transfer all identified data from the center’s electronic data collection application. If the NYSILC/ACCES-VR ILC Universal Database is not operational within the term of this agreement, the centers will continue to provide to ACCESS-VR the previously agreed upon information identified in this document.
- All ILCs must deliver services in a manner that demonstrates parity with US-local/county Racial/Ethnic census information. Consumer Service Record (CSR) Racial/Ethnic information will be reported and compared with the US local/county Racial/Ethnic census data each year to determine parity.
If the CSR Racial/Ethnic data is disproportionate to the most recent Racial/Ethnic census data, a Program Improvement Plan (PIP) must be submitted within 30 days following the unacceptable performance finding to increase community outreach. For information on submitting a PIP, see Appendix D item #16.
If additional funds are required to implement a PIP, the center may request a budget modification for its existing ACCES-VR funds or the center must make a good faith effort to secure the additional funds from sources other than ACCES-VR. - All ILCs must seek to achieve a 100 percent customer satisfaction level with consumers served and be accountable for an 85 or higher percent rating in all ACCES-VR and New York State Independent Living Council (NYSILC) coordinated satisfaction survey category areas.
If the rating falls below the standard of 85 percent in any metric category, a Program Improvement Plan (PIP) must be submitted within 30 days of the inadequate performance findings to improve customer satisfaction. For information on submitting a PIP, see Appendix D item #16. - All ILCs must comply with ACCES-VR approved New York State CIL standards, performance measures and data collection requirements in effect throughout the contract period. The Standards consist of the following four documents: The complete NYS CIL Standards are available online at the ACCES-VR website in the ILC Toolbox under Standards.
- Standards, Performance Report and Data Collection Guide
- End of Year Report
- Appendix A Mid Year Report
- Appendix B Examples of Community and Systems Change
- All ILCs must use the ACCES-VR and New York State Independent Living Council (NYSILC) approved independent living history and philosophy training online version or provide an acceptable written curriculum equivalent approved by ACCES-VR and NYSILC. The online version is recommended for existing employees, board members and volunteers. The online training is available at the NYSILC website under Training Materials.
New employees hired prior to September 1 of each contract year must complete training and have evidence of a certificate of completion in personnel files. Those hired after September 1 should have evidence of training in personnel files by October 31 of the following contract year. Certificates should be made available to ACCES-VR upon request. - All ILCs will collect county of residence information for individuals served from all funding sources and report numbers of consumers in each county served either with ACCES-VR funds, with funds from sources other than ACCES-VR, or with both ACCES-VR resources and other resources in the ACCES-VR mid-year and end year data reports.
- All ILCs will establish and maintain a monitoring and reporting mechanism that fully differentiates whether people are served with State Aid to Localities funds or from other sources consistent with definitions in the NYS CIL standards. All ILCs will report in the ACCES-VR mid-year and end year data reports the number of people served and the funding sources for all people served categories including:
- Consumers with Consumer Service Records (CSRs);
- Consumers with disabilities provided Information and Referral (I&R) only;
- Family/Significant Others;
- Other Non-disabled consumers.
- All Consumer Service Records (CSRs) and other written or electronically maintained program products and materials developed with funds provided by the State, are the property of New York State. In order to ensure maximum program and service continuity, in the case of early termination of the contract agreement for cause or without cause, all consumer files and program records and products must be made available to the New York State Education Department upon or prior to the termination of the contract agreement.
- All ILCs will implement and incorporate the content in the ACCES-VR Model Consumer Release Form into existing agency written policies and procedures. The Model Consumer Release Form will authorize ACCES-VR to exercise its right to properly comply and carry out quality management oversight consistent with Federal and State requirements and responsibilities, including the conduct of onsite monitoring reviews of all Consumer Service Record (CSR) information necessary to confirm consumer eligibility for services, services provided and other related case record management data. The ACCES-VR Model Consumer Release Form is available online at the ACCES-VR website in the ILC Toolbox under Contract Development.
- All ILCs will annually complete the ACCES-VR required Revenue and Funding Sources Form based on the prior annual certified financial statement. All revenue beyond the ILC’s appropriation of State Aid to Localities funds with the exception of “pass through” funds will be considered leveraged resources that contribute to the overall programs’ operations and infrastructure. The definition of “pass through” funds is given in the NYS CIL Standards, Performance Report and Data Collection Guide, Glossary of Terms available online. The ACCES-VR Revenue and Funding Sources Form is available online at the ACCES-VR website in the ILC Toolbox under Contract Development.
- All ILCs will demonstrate in the annual Self-Evaluation with NYS CIL Standards that governing bodies are recruited for and comprised in a manner that best represents geographic, disability and ethnic diversity of the communities being served. The Self-Evaluation is submitted as part of the annual End of Year Report. For information regarding the submission of the Self-Evaluation, see the NYS CIL Standards, Performance Report and Data Collection Guide, Part 1: Instructions for Program Performance Report, section IV. Instructions for Self-Evaluation with NYS Standards online at the ACCES-VR website.
- Information on submitting a Program Improvement Plan (PIP) is in the NYS CIL Standards, Performance Report and Data Collection Guide, Part 3: Instructions for Attachments. The IL Unit will provide technical assistance to assist the CIL to develop an acceptable PIP. If a CIL fails to develop a PIP, or fails to carry out a PIP after development of an ACCES-VR approved plan, the contract may be terminated. For information on contract performance expectations, see the ACCES-VR Contract Enforcement Guidelines available online at the ACCES-VR website.