TASC™ Test Center Coordinators and Examiners
- The NYSED HSE Office must approve all new Examiners and Coordinators prior to their being qualified to administer TASC Tests™.
- Only testing staff - hired by an approved NYS TASC Test™ Center and who meet all requirements (as noted below) - are eligible to serve as Coordinators or Examiners: Please complete and email - as attachments - the Staff Appointment Form and resume to the HSE Office.
- Examiners and Coordinators must possess a bachelor’s degree or hold an associate’s degree and have experience administering state exams.
- All new TASC Test™ Coordinators and Examiners are required to participate in a three-hour NYSED on-line orientation and training. Training dates are posted on the HSE Announcements Page.
- The NYSED HSE Office also conducts an online webinar every January. The annual update is required for all continuing Test Center Coordinators and Examiners. Proctors and Clerks may also view the online webinars, as their availability permits, but are not required to do so.
- The NYS vendor for the TASC Test™ is the Data Recognition Corporation (DRC). DRC also produces an annual webinar series when the new TASC Tests™ are released in January. The DRC online webinars are also required viewing for all Examiners and Coordinators, both new and returning. Please visit DRC's Portal to locate the recorded webinars.
- Please email the NYSED HSE Office with any questions.