Regents-HSE Exam Pathway: Frequently Asked Questions
On April 10, 2018, the New York State Board of Regents approved regulatory changes to provide a fourth pathway to a High School Equivalency (HSE) diploma.
Individuals who have passed Regents Examinations in English language arts, mathematics, science, and/or social studies can substitute those passing scores for corresponding subject tests on the GED® Exam: RLA (reading and writing), math, science, and social studies.
The following table details which passed Regents Examinations will be allowed in place of the corresponding GED subject tests.
Regents Exam | HSE Subject Area Credit |
Any English language arts Examination |
GED® Reasoning Through Language Arts |
Any Mathematics Regents Examination |
GED® Mathematics |
Any Science Regents Examination |
GED® Science |
Any Social Studies Regents Examination |
GED® Social Studies |
This document contains Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the Regents - HSE Exam Pathway. Questions are organized into the following categories:
- Eligible Regents credits
- Application Process
- Age and Eligibility Requirements
- Requesting High School Transcripts and Official Records
- Testing
Eligible Regents Credits
Question: What is the Regents-HSE Exam Pathway?
Answer: Beginning April 25, 2018, eligible candidates could earn a New York State HSE diploma by substituting passing Regents scores for corresponding HSE exam subject tests. Passing scores must be earned in all corresponding subject areas (RLA math, science, and social studies) and at least one HSE exam subject test must be taken and passed, even if otherwise all required credits had been earned through Regent’s credit.
Question: If a candidate passed Regents Examinations in all four core subject areas (English, mathematics, science, and social studies) does the candidate qualify for an HSE diploma?
Answer: No, candidates who have passed Regents Examinations in all four core subject areas must still pass at least one GED® subject test to earn an HSE diploma. Such candidates may take any GED® subject they choose. Official HSE transcripts that result from the processing of an R application with all passing Regents will show all subtests passed. A diploma will not be issued until the candidate takes and passes at least one HSE exam subtest.
Question: Can Advanced Placement (AP®), International Baccalaureate® exams (IB), and other standardized assessments that have been approved as alternatives to Regents Examinations be used in lieu of GED® subject to qualify for a HSE diploma?
Answer: Yes. For a list of examinations that may also be used in lieu of HSE subtests, visit Department-Approved Alternative Examinations Acceptable for Meeting Requirements for a Local or Regents Diploma.
Question: Can Regents Competency Tests (RCTs) be used for the Regents-HSE Exam Pathway?
Answer: No; Regents Competency Tests cannot be used for the Regents-HSE Exam Pathway.
Question: Can Regents exams in Math, Science, & Social Studies taken in languages other than English be used for the Regents-HSE Exam Pathway?
Answer: Yes, passing Regents exam scores are acceptable regardless of the language in which they were taken. (The ELA Regents exam is only available in English.)
Question: May a student identified as having a disability with an Individual Education Program (IEP) use a passing score of 55-64 (a safety net score) on a Regents examination in lieu of a GED® subject test?
Answer: Yes. All students who have an IEP in place at the time a Regent’s exam was administered have access to the 55 low pass safety net and may use Regent’s exam scores in that range in lieu of a GED® subject test.
Question: May a student with a Section 504 accommodation plan who has been designated on such plan as “safety net eligible” use a passing score of 55-64 on a Regents examination in lieu of a GED® subject test?
Answer: Yes. A student with a Section 504 plan may utilize a score in the range of 55-64 in lieu of a passing score on a GED® subject test if the Section 504 plan designates the student as “safety net eligible” at the time the Regents exam was administered.
Question: May a student who is granted an appeal from their district or high school on a Regents exam that is within the appealable range, (60-64 for a general education student or 52-54 for a student with a disability, 55-59 for an English language learner on the English examination) use scores in the appealable range in lieu of a GED® subject test?
Answer: Yes however, scores in the appealable range are not automatically accepted. Students must have sought and been granted such an appeal by their district or high school, when they were enrolled, to use such scores in lieu of a GED® subject test. The R Application will require an attestation from the high school of record to confirm all criteria were met.
Question: May a student with a disability use the compensatory option score range of 45-54 on a Regents exam in lieu of a GED subject test?
Answer: No.
Question: May a student use a Regents exemption, issued when Regents exams were cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, as substitution as a passing Regent’s exam credit?
Answer: Yes. Regent’s exemptions for testing from June 2020 through June 2021 on a student’s official transcript and NYSSIS record are applicable to the Regents-HSE pathway. In addition, to the supporting transcript and accurate NYSSIS record, the school of record must attest to the COVID waiver on a current Application.
Application Process
Question: How do I apply for the Regents-HSE Exam Pathway, and is there a fee?
Answer: NYSED has an application called Application R which needs to be completed by the applicant, as well as the high school of record, to submit passing Regents exam scores in lieu of passing GED® subject scores enroute to earning an HSE diploma. There is no fee to apply for the Regents-HSE Exam Pathway.
Question: What happens once the candidate has filled out the candidate portion of Application R and given it to their last high school attended to fill out and submit?
Answer: The candidate must email, mail, or drop off the application to the guidance staff at the last high school the candidate attended. The high school staff are responsible for completing the Application R and submitting the application to the HSE office with an official transcript. It will take NYSED eight to ten weeks to process. The HSE Status Verification page on the HSE website can be used to determine which HSE sub-tests are still required.
Question: What will the school do with the application after it is completed?
Answer: The preferred method is for the high school of record to digitally submit the Application R through the HSE office’s secure SharePoint site. School staff can email to request to be provisioned for the site. Alternatively, the application can be mailed to the address found at the top of the application. Email attachments will not be accepted. School district staff, see the April 2018 New Regents-HSE Pathway Memo for more information.
Question: What should a candidate do if s/he does not know their NYSSIS ID, which is requested in Section B of the Application R?
Answer: The NYSSIS ID is a unique student identification number assigned by NYSED to every student in New York State. A candidate is not expected to know their NYSSIS ID. The school will fill in this information when completing their portion of the Application R for the candidate.
Question: Can a candidate who has never taken the GED® test submit an Application R?
Answer: Yes. An Application R can be submitted at any time, however, age and eligibility rules to take the GED® Test still apply and not all people will qualify based on these rules.
Question: Can a candidate submit an Application R after having taken the GED® Test?
Answer: Yes. An Application R can be submitted at any time. Candidates are encouraged to confirm passing subtests earned through the submission of their Application R prior to scheduling their HSE test. Credits can be confirmed through the HSE Status Report.
Age and Eligibility Requirements
Question: Can a candidate who is 16 years old qualify for the Regents-HSE Exam Pathway?
Answer: A candidate who is 16 years old may submit the Application R to apply passing Regent’s exam scores towards meeting HSE diploma requirements. However, a candidate will not qualify for an HSE diploma until passing at least one GED Subject test. In addition, the candidate must meet all eligibility requirements to schedule the GED® Test. To review New York State HSE eligibility requirements, visit Taking the High School Equivalency (HSE) Exam.
Question: What is the maximum compulsory school attendance age (MCSAA) in New York State? Does it vary from school district to school district?
Answer: To legally withdraw from school, a student must have reached the MCSAA. MCSAA may be either 16 or 17 years of age, this is a decision made by each school district. Test takers must have reached the MCSAA and be officially exited from school prior to scheduling a GED Subject test. Therefore, the MCSAA applies to test takers seeking to earn sub-test credits through the Regents-HSE Exam Pathway.
Question: Do applicants for the Regents-HSE Exam Pathway have to meet the MCSAA before submitting an Application R?
Answer: Candidates may submit an Application R before reaching the MCSAA. By doing so, the process will inform the candidate which GED subject test(s) the candidate needs to take and pass to earn a HSE diploma. However, the candidate may not take a GED® Test or receive an HSE diploma before age eligibility requirements to test are met.
Requesting High School Transcripts and Official Record
Question: How does a candidate request an official record of Regents Exam scores (official high school transcript) from their high school?
Answer: The candidate must fill out an Application R and email, mail it or drop it off to the New York State high school last attended. The school will complete and submit to NYSED, along with a copy of the candidate’s official transcript including all Regents exam scores. To request a transcript from a school within the NYC Department of Education, instructions can be found on the New York City Department of Education website, under Student Records and Transcripts.
Question: What should a candidate do to complete their Application R and obtain an official high school transcript if the last NYS high school attended has since closed?
Answer: For all closed public high schools outside of New York City, candidates should contact the public school district office where the closed high school was located. For closed schools in NYC, district offices can be found on the New York City Department of Education website, under District Leadership. For private schools that have closed in NYS, candidates should call the NYSED Office of Religious and Independent Schools (SORIS) at: 518-473-8202.
Question: Can a candidate combine passing Regents Examination scores with college credits to qualify for an HSE diploma?
Answer: No, Regents Examination scores can only be used in place of passing HSE exam sub-tests. For more information, see 24 College Credit HSE Pathway.
Question: Can a candidate combine passing Regent’s exam scores with passing GED scores from 2002 to 2013 (English series) and 2004 to 2013 (Spanish series) to qualify for an HSE diploma?
Answer: No, passing GED Scores earned 2013 and earlier combined with Regents passing scores will not result in an HSE diploma. The passing HSE exam subtest must be a passing TASC subtest or from the current GED exam, administered 2022 or later.