NYS Centers for Independent Living - Part 2: Direct Services and Statistical Report

Count all statistical data from all funding sources.

When submitting the data report, it is not necessary to provide documentation. However, centers are required to maintain for verification purposes the individual consumer data the report is based on. Documentation will be required on a center by center basis to assure that data is reported in a consisten and accurate manner. In addition to the analysis of data reports, ACCES-VR conducts periodic onsite reviews. The Data Management and Consumer Record Review Protocol is available online at the ACCES-VR website in the ILC Toolbox under Protocols at http://www.acces.nysed.gov/vr/independent-living-centers-toolbox-service...


I. Demographic Data for People with CSRs

Report unduplicated demographic data for all consumers with disabilities with a Consumer Service Record (CSR) served during the report year. Include data for new consumers with a CSR started since October 1 of the report year and returning consumers with a CSR served during prior report years that have returned in the reporting year. Every item of demographic data must be recorded for every consumer with a CSR unless a consumer is unwilling to provide it (in which case "unknown" should be recorded for the missing data). Age, Education Status and Employment Status must be updated annually for each consumer with a CSR. The six demographic categories A. through F. must agree. These demographic categories do not need to agree with the disability data.

A. Age
B. Gender
C. Race/Ethnicity

Count each consumer under ONLY ONE category 1 - 8.
If a consumer reports more than one race, that consumer must be counted once under 7. Two or More Races.

D. Employment Status
E. Education Status
F. Veteran
II. Disability Data

Report all people with disabilities who received services (people with and without a CSR) during the report year that were reported under III A. People with Disabilities ( PWD ). While an unduplicated count is provided for each of the five disability categories (A., B., C, D. and F.), the disability data can reflect more than one disability category selection of A. through D. by a consumer, which would also be reported under category F. For example, a consumer who selects both orthopedic and blindness would be reported under B. Physical, D. Sensory, and F. Multiple Disabilities. Reporting "unknowns" is not an option under categories A. through D. The Disability category must be recorded in order to document the establishment of a CSR. For the reporting of disability data , people without a CSR are individuals who received the service of Information and Referral ( I&R ) and the center obtained disability information for these consumers. When a center does not obtain disability information for an I&R consumer, the center cannot report that consumer under either II. Disability Data or III. A. People With Disabilities.

A. Cognitive
B. Physical
C. Mental
D. Sensory
E. Total of Disability Categories (A+B+C+D)

The total of the four disability categories may be equal to or greater than the total for III.A. People with Disabilities ( PWD ) , 3. Total PWD Total Funding but not less than.

F. Multiple Disabilities

Report consumers with combinations of the categories A. through D. above. Not to be checked independent of the selection of two or more disability categories.

III. Total People Served During Year

Report the unduplicated number of consumers that were served either with ACCES-VR funds, with funds from sources other than ACCES-VR, or with both ACCES-VR funds and other funds in the following categories: A. People With Disabilities (PWD); B. Family Members/Significant Others; C. Other Non-disabled; and D. Total consumers receiving direct services. Count each consumer under ONLY ONE funding source ACCES-VR Only, Other Only, or Multiple. If a consumer is served through more than one funding source, that consumer must be counted once under Multiple Funding.

III.A. PWD, 1. Total CSRs Total Funding must equal the total reported for each category under I. Demographic Data. III.A. PWD, 2. Information and Referral (I&R) PWD Total Funding cannot be greater than IV. I. Information and Referral. III.A. PWD, 3. Total PWD Total Funding may be equal to or greater than the total reported for each category under I. Demographic Data but not less than. Total Funding for III.D. Total People Served must equal the total reported for V. Total County(s) Served Total Funding

A. People With Disabilities (PWD)
1. Total CSRs
2. I&R PWD
3. Total PWD
B. Family Members/Significant Others
C. Other Non-Disabled including personnel from Businesses/Agencies
D. Total consumers receiving direct services (A3 + B + C)
E. Total consumers projected in contract to be served
F. CSRs returning that were served during prior reporting years.
G. CSRs started (new) since October 1st of report year
H. Total CSRs served during report year (F+G) Equal to the total reported for each category under I. Demographic Data.
I. Businesses/Agencies served
IV. Individual Services - Number of Persons Served

For each service offered, report the unduplicated number of consumers (with and/or without a CSR) receiving that service during the reporting year. The same consumer can be counted in more than one service area.Consumers receiving any independent living service(s) either on a one-time or infrequent basis or on a frequent or ongoing basis such as, but not limited to, C. Assistive Devices/Equipment (loan closet), E. Communication Services (interpreter services), I. Information and Referral (I&R) or U. Voter Registration, are counted in the applicable service category(s)

V. County(s) Served

Report the county of residence for consumers served and report the number of consumers in each county served either with ACCES-VR funds, with funds from sources other than ACCES-VR, or with both ACCES-VR funds and other funds. Count each consumer under ONLY ONE funding source ACCES-VR Only, Other Only, or Multiple. If a consumer is served through more than one funding source, that consumer must be counted once under Multiple Funding. Total Funding for Total County(s) Served must equal the total reported for III. D. Total People Served, Total Funding. Reporting "unknowns" is not an option under County(s) Served. Each consumer reported under III. A., B. and C. should have a mailing address to identify the county of residence. If a consumer lives in another state/country, count them in the applicable category.

1. Albany
2. Allegany
3. Bronx
4. Broome
5. Cattaraugus
6. Cayuga
7. Chautauqua
8. Chemung
9. Chenango
10. Clinton
11. Columbia
12. Cortland
13. Delaware
14. Dutchess
15. Erie
16. Essex
17. Franklin
18. Fulton
19. Genesee
20. Greene
21. Hamilton
22. Herkimer
23. Jefferson
24. Kings (Brooklyn)
25. Lewis
26. Livingston
27. Madison
28. Monroe
29. Montgomery
30. Nassau
31. New York (Manhattan)
32. Niagara
33. Oneida
34. Onondaga
35. Ontario
36. Orange
37. Orleans
38. Oswego
39. Otsego
40. Putnam
41. Queens
42. Rensselaer
43. Richmond (Staten Island)
44. Rockland
45. Saratoga
46. Schenectady
47. Schoharie
48. Schuyler
49. Seneca
50. St Lawrence
51. Steuben
52. Suffolk
53. Sullivan
54. Tioga
55. Tompkins
56. Ulster
57. Warren
58. Washington
59. Wayne
60. Westchester
61. Wyoming
62. Yates
63. Other States
64. Other Countries
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