BPSS Cutting Edge News
Private Career Schools – Memo to the Field
All Private Career Schools licensed by BPSS must review the guidance in the Memo to the Field – Annual Reminders.
This Memo was also disseminated to all BPSS Directors VIA BPSS@nysed.gov.
Annual Financial Requirements Reminder
All BPSS schools must fulfill the following two annual reporting requirements: Annual Financial Statement and Occupational Education Data Statistics (OEDS). Detailed information regarding both requirements has been emailed to all school directors.
All Schools are required to file financial statements 120 days after their fiscal year end. Policy Guidelines regarding this requirement can be found at BPSS Schools Annual Financial Reporting Requirements. Additionally, schools should review the policy guideline on Financial Viability. Questions regarding financial statements should be sent to: BPSSSchoolReviews@nysed.gov.
All BPSS schools are required to report the statistical data (Occupational Education Data Statistics) for the previous period of July 1 – June 30. Submissions of OEDS are due no later than April 15, 2025. Questions regarding OEDS reports should be sent by email only to OEDS@nysed.gov.
Additional policy information can be found by viewing: Policy Guidelines.
Annual Reminder - Occupational Education Data Statistics (OEDS)
All BPSS schools are required to report the statistical data (Occupational Education Data Statistics (OEDS)) for the previous period of July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024. Submissions of OEDS for the reporting period July 1, 2023 – June 30, 2024, are due no later than April 15, 2025.
For Licensed Private Career Schools (LPCS) - Please note that this year, the OEDS reporting will be submitted entirely on the BPSS system. School Administrator rights/roles will be required for submission. On January 15, 2025, an email will be sent under separate cover to each LPCS School Director and Contact Person (as listed on the BPSS system) with instructions for completing the OEDS.
For English as Second Language (ESL) Schools - Please note that this year, the OEDS reporting will be submitted entirely on the BPSS system. School Administrator rights/roles will be required for submission. On January 15, 2025, an email will be sent under separate cover to each ESL School Director and Contact Person (as listed on the BPSS system) with instructions for completing the OEDS.
Email communications related to OEDS reporting will be sent from OEDS@NYSED.gov. Please be sure to check your spam folder and add OEDS@NYSED.gov to your contact list.
Questions regarding OEDS reports should be sent by email only to OEDS@NYSED.gov.
Financial Viability-After Three Consecutive Years in Zone Alternative
Please see guidance regarding Financial Viability-After Three Consecutive Years in Zone Alternative.
Any questions or concerns regarding financial viability requirements may be directed to: bpssschoolreviews@nysed.gov
Private Career Schools-Fee Waivers for Renewals of Curricula Under 100 Hours
Effective July 1, 2024, there is a new process for schools to request a waiver of the curriculum renewal application fee for courses less than 100 hours that do not contain any substantive changes to the application. Schools must complete a Curriculum Renewal Fee Waiver Request Form PRIOR to submitting payment for EACH of the curriculum applications in the system. Schools must submit this form for each curriculum they wish to be considered for waiver.
Please carefully review the following key points:
- Schools must apply for curriculum renewals at least 120 days prior to the expiration date of the curriculum.
- Sign into the BPSS portal and select Curriculum Amendments/Renewals. Look for the application to update and click on the "continue" button to the right of the name.
- Confirm all existing information in the application is correct and upload any required, updated documents.
- Stop at the payment screen. Do not enter any payment information.
- Complete the Curriculum Renewal Fee Waiver Request Form
- BPSS will email a response indicating if the curriculum is eligible or not eligible for the fee waiver. This is not an approval of the curriculum.
- Curricula eligible for the fee waiver will be reviewed. Please respond promptly to any requests from BPSSCurriculum@nysed.gov for any additional documentation or information needed.
- Curricula not eligible for the fee waiver will not be reviewed until the payment is submitted.
Please note that the following curriculum renewals are not eligible for a fee waiver:
- Programs of 100 hours or more
- Curricula with any changes to the content outline, method of instruction, instructional hours, or entrance requirements
- Curricula changing from classroom instruction to distance education
- Home Health Aide
- Personal Care Aide Transition to Home Health Aide
- Nurse Aide Training Program
- Nurse Aide Transition to Home Health Aide
- Programs with externship sites
- Curricula taught in a language other than English (LOTE) missing supporting documentation.
- Expired curricula- An expired curriculum must be resubmitted as a new curriculum application.
- Any past waivers of this fee requirement are not considered acceptable justification for future fee waivers.
Questions should be directed by email only to: BPSSCurriculum@nysed.gov
Private Career Schools – Memo to the Field
All Private Career Schools licensed by BPSS must review the guidance in the Memo to the Field – Teachers Licenses.
This Memo was also disseminated to all BPSS Licensed Teachers VIA the BPSSTEACH Listserv.
Questions should be directed by email only to: BPSSteachers@nysed.gov.
Private Career Schools-Memo to the Field
All Private Career Schools licensed by BPSS must review the guidance in the Memo to the Field – HCR Notification
This Memo was also disseminated via email, from BPSSCurriculum@nysed.gov , to all BPSS schools affiliated with the NYS DOH Health Commerce System and the Home Care Registry.
After receiving this memo, each BPSS school providing PCA/HHA programs must review the personnel on the HCR and contact BPSSCurriculum@nysed.gov immediately with changes to school directors and nurse instructors only. Examples of common changes are adding an instructor, removing an instructor no longer teaching for the program, or adding or removing a school director.
Questions should be directed by email only to: BPSSCurriculum@nysed.gov .
Annual Reminder- Occupational Education Data Statistics (OEDS)
All BPSS schools are required to report the statistical data (Occupational Education Data Statistics (OEDS) for the previous period of July 1 – June 30. Submissions of OEDS for the reporting period July 1, 2022- June 30, 2023, are due no later than April 15, 2024.
For Licensed Private Career Schools (LPCS)-Please note that this year, the OEDS reporting will be submitted entirely on the BPSS system. School Administrator rights/roles will be required for submission. On Wednesday, February 7, 2024, an email will be sent under separate cover to each LPCS School Director and Contact Person (as listed on the BPSS system) with instructions for completing the OEDS.
For English as Second Language (ESL) Schools-Please note that this year, the OEDS reporting will be submitted entirely on the BPSS system. School Administrator rights/roles will be required for submission. On Tuesday, February 6, 2024, an email will be sent under separate cover to each ESL School Director and Contact Person (as listed on the BPSS system) with instructions for completing the OEDS
****Email communications related to OEDS reporting will be sent from OEDS@NYSED.gov, please be sure to check your spam folder and add OEDS@NYSED.gov to your contact list****
Questions regarding OEDS reports should be sent by email only to OEDS@NYSED.gov.
Annual Financial Requirements Reminder
All BPSS schools must fulfill the following two annual reporting requirements; Annual Financial Statement and Occupational Education Data Statistics (OEDS). Detailed information regarding both requirements has been emailed to all school directors.
All Schools are required to file financial statements 120 days after their fiscal year end. Policy Guidelines regarding this requirement can be found at BPSS Schools Annual Financial Reporting Requirements. Additionally, schools should review the policy guideline on Financial Viability. Questions regarding financial statements should be sent to: BPSSSchoolReviews@nysed.gov.
All BPSS schools are required to report the statistical data (Occupational Education Data Statistics) for the previous period of July 1 – June 30. Submissions of OEDS are due no later than April 15, 2024. In early February, an email will be sent under separate cover to each School Administrator (as listed on the BPSS system) with instructions for completing the OEDS. Questions regarding OEDS reports should be sent by email only to OEDS@NYSED.gov.
Additional policy information can be found by viewing: Policy Guidelines
Private Career Schools-Application Fees
Applicants for personnel licenses (agents, directors, teachers) should be mindful that the application fee is for an evaluation of the application, and not the license itself. BPSS will not waive or refund application fees if an applicant is denied a license. This includes teacher applicants that apply for the wrong license type. Applicants for personnel licenses should consult the BPSS website to ensure their background and education meets the qualifications of the license they are seeking, and that they have documentation of these requirements to attach to the application before applying. BPSS presumes that email notices are received by applicants unless they are returned or marked as undeliverable by BPSS’ email server.
BPSS is reminding schools that all curricula over 100 hours will be subject to a $250 new curriculum application fee and curriculum renewal application fee, per Education Law 5002(5).
Courses of less than 100 hours are subject to a $100 new curriculum application fee or, in some cases, a $100 curriculum renewal fee. Schools are required to pay this fee in order to move the application to a review status, therefore allowing BPSS to perform the required evaluation.
Any past waivers of this fee requirement are not considered acceptable justification for future fee waivers.
Questions should be directed by email only to: BPSSCurriculum@nysed.gov .
Private Career Schools-Memo to the Field
All Private Career Schools licensed by BPSS must review the guidance in the Memo to the Field – Microneedling.
Questions should be directed by email only to: BPSSCurriculum@nysed.gov.
Students Urged to Attend Licensed Private "Proprietary" Career Schools to Get the Education They Deserve
The New York State Education Department (NYSED), Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision (BPSS), urges students to attend licensed private career schools (also known as proprietary schools), and avoid unlicensed schools. BPSS's mission is to ensure that the overall educational quality of the programs offered at private career schools will provide students with the necessary skills to secure meaningful employment and to protect students' financial interests while attending career schools. Career schools prepare students for a trade or business occupation and confer certificates, not degrees. Students should also be aware that Private Career School Teacher Licenses are ONLY VALID at private career schools licensed by the Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision (BPSS).
Check to see if your school is licensed.
To obtain further information about licensed private career schools visit NYSED’s Bureau of Proprietary School Supervision website or by emailing BPSS@nysed.gov
Students Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
Please see updated guidance regarding Students Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP). Questions regarding this topic can be sent by email to your assigned BPSS Field Associate or by emailing BPSS@nysed.gov.
Deferred Tuition Agreements
Please see updated guidance regarding Deferred Tuition Agreements. Questions regarding this topic can be sent by email to your assigned BPSS Field Associate or by emailing BPSS@nysed.gov.
Information on E-Textbooks and Devices
Please see updated guidance on E-Textbooks and Devices. Questions regarding this topic can be sent by email only to BPSScurriculum@nysed.gov
Temporary Distance Education approval (TDE) Sunset Announcement
Schools currently offering distance education using a Temporary Distance Education approval (TDE) must apply for programmatic approval. Please review the policy guideline on Distance Education Applications for information.
In order to provide schools one full calendar year from the original announcement date, BPSS will extend the sunset of TDE approval to February 28, 2023. This extended date provides BPSS schools that have not already applied for programmatic approval additional time to complete the process.
All TDE approvals will now sunset on February 28, 2023. There will be no further extensions beyond this date.
Questions regarding distance education applications will be sent by email only to BPSScurriculum@nysed.gov
Allied Health Programs – Memo to the Field
Allied Health Programs – Specifically Home Health Aide (HHA) and Personal Care Aide (PCA) including any PCA upgrade to HHA program and any Certified Nurse Aide/Assistant (CNA) Transition to HHA program must review the guidance in the Allied Health Programs Memo to Field.
Questions should be directed by email only to: BPSSCurriclum@nysed.gov