Bronx District Office


1215 Zerega Avenue
Bronx, NY 10462

General Phone

The phone is currently down, please email your counselor.


  • Bronx District Office
  • Bronx DO inside the door
  • Bronx DO reception area

Written Directions to Bronx District Office


#6 Train (Lexington Avenue Line) to Zerega Avenue


#4 Bus to Zerega and Westchester Avenues
#22 Bus to Castle Hill and Westchester Avenues

Located approximately three full blocks east of Westchester Avenue


Hutchinson River Parkway South - Take exit south of McDonald's listing Cross Bronx and Bruckner (Expressway).  After red light, follow exit to George Washington Bridge/Zerega Avenue - just over the bridge- (turn right).  Continue to second red light, make a right turn onto Zerega.

Major Deegan Parkway - Take the Bruckner Boulevard (Expressway) exit to Zerega Avenue exit (turn left) or

Cross Bronx Expressway East to the Castle Hill Avenue exit (5B) - Proceed to light, make a left turn on Castle Hill Avenue.  Turn right at fourth light - Ellis Avenue.  Go two blocks to Zerega Avenue (South West corner of Ellis & Zerega)

Community Information Sessions

Reservations are required to attend any session listed below. Please (718) 931-3500 to pre-register.

At Bronx District Office

General Orientation: Every Tuesday @ 9:30 AM and 1:30 PM (excluding Holidays)

Contact List

Last Name Title Phone